11 research outputs found


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    One of common characteristics of the less-developed countries is widespread of economic inequality among their regions. The problem of regional disparity occurs due to differentiation of both quality and quantity of human and natural resources. Indonesia is a classic example of a country with deep economic gap among its provinces. Ironically, East Kalimantan as one of the richest provinces in Indonesia has experienced the similar case. The development of Cities is approximately faster than that of Districts. Such situation is contributed by some factors such as concentration of economic activities, uneven distribution of investment, mobility rate of production, deprived domestic and international trade, etc. The implementation of policy on regional autonomy is intended to minimize such development upheaval. To some extent, however, autonomy laws have been sharpening the disparity among regions, particularly between oil-and-gas-based-regions and non-oiland- gas-based-regions. It means that natural resource (i.e. oil and gas) industry plays crucial role in escalating local development, especially where third sector (services, technology-based, communication, etc) is poorly developed. In the long-term perspective, the dependency on natural resource which is nonrenewable should be shifted to other sector having the potency to be continuously renewed. By using affiliation from Location Quotient (LQ) analysis, this paper tries to excavate the potency and inequality of economic development in East Kalimantan Province. The analysis aims to identify the priority of sound development sector in certain area and finding out the area owning advantage of location from any sector, in order to improve efficiency of economic activities.Keywords: ketimpangan ekonomi/pendapatan, sektor potensial, Kalimantan Timur

    Pengembangan Kompetensi Aparatur Sipil Negara di Lingkungan Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur

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    This study aims to describe the competence development of civil servants in East Kalimantan Provincial Government based on Law Number 5 Year 2014 and the factors that influence it. With qualitative descriptive method, secondary data is collected through library research. Result of the research is the comparison of the personnel posture, senior officer ratio based on gender, and the accomodation of the local people which is still relatively small; Competence development is stillconsidered to be the domain of BKD and has not become a priority of regional government needs based on regional content. Competency development is still constrained by the lack of budget and managerial staff, the existence of inconsistentcentral policies that can not be followed by the region. Assessment is recomended toward the competencies which is relevant and required for senior leader level in order to arrange developed standards of managerial and socio-cultural competence. Competence development is not only concerned with the priority of accomodating local people to be apparatus, but also the vision of regional development. Capacity building should be based on the agency’s key strategic objectives and performance indicators. Dynamic leadership regeneration is needed as well as competency mapping with respect to gender sensitivity and priority of local people / regional content. Thus, innovative laboratories are required in each region to make change project of every high-level leader sustainable.  Keywords: Competence Development, Civil Servant, East Kalimantan Province Government. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan kompetensi Aparatur Sipil Negara di Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, dari Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 serta faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif, data sekunder dikumpulkan melalui penelitian kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian adalah perbandingan antara postur kepegawaian, rasio Pimpinan Tinggi (pimti) berdasar gender, dan akomodir putra daerah yang masih tergolong kecil; layanan publik menunjukkan inovasi pelayanan publik telah berjalan dengan lebih baik ditandai dengan reformasi pada sistem pelayanan publik. Pengembangan kompetensi masih dianggap menjadi ranah BKD dan belum menjadi prioritas kebutuhan pemerintah daerah berbasis regional content, pengembangan kompetensi masih terkendala dengan minimnya anggaran dan tenaga pengelola, adanya kebijakan pusat yang inkonsisten yang tidak mampu diikuti oleh daerah. Direkomendasikan assesment terhadap kompetensi yang dianggap relevan dan dibutuhkan oleh pimti, untuk selanjutnya disusun standar kompetensi manajerial dan sosio kultural. Pengembangan kompetensi tidak hanya memperhatikan prioritas putra daerah, juga visi pengembangan daerah. Penguatan kapasitas sebaiknya didasarkan pada sasaran strategis dan indikator kinerja utama instansi. Perlu dilakukan regenerasi kepemimpinan yang dinamis, pemetaan kompetensi dengan memperhatikan kepekaan gender dan prioritas putra daerah/regional content secara tepat sasaran. Perlu dibuat laboratorium inovasi di setiap daerah sebagai proyek perubahan berkelanjutan setiap pimpinan tinggi di unit kerjanya.  Kata Kunci: Pengembangan Kompetensi, Aparatur Pemerintah, Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timu

    Efek Reformasi Birokrasi Terhadap Kemajuan Ekonomi Daerah

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    Local economic activity tends to be influenced by the capabilities of the bureaucracy. If the bureau cracyisable to implement good governance principles and it has high concern on public service to create citizen welfare, so that the trend of local economic activity tends to grow highly. Furthermore, if the bureaucracy can successively encourage local economic activity,the local development and public welfare may relatively increase. Therefore, the efforts to reform the local bureaucracy will drive local development through trickle-down effect. This study uses descriptivequantitative approach with linear regression analysis on cross-section data from 99 local governments in 2014 which are considered as pilot projects. The result is that the bureaucratic reform contributes apositive and statistically significant impact on local economy. Two of three components of the bureaucratic reform that are assessed, namely Accountability Performance of Local Government (AKIP) and Public Services, bring statistically-significant and positive impact to the localrevenue (PAD), and each point of PAD’s rise tends to createa statisticallysignificant and positive affect on local economic growth by 1.1%.Keywords: Bureaucratic Reform, Local Revenue, Regional Economic GrowthAktivitas ekonomi daerah cenderung dipengaruhi oleh kapabilitas birokrasi yang ada. Jika birokrasi menerapkan tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik dan pelayanan publiknya berorientasi pada kesejahteraan publik, maka kecenderungannya aktivitas ekonomi didaerah tersebut akan berkembang sangat tinggi. Jika birokrasi kemudian dapat mendorong aktivitas ekonomi daerah melaju, maka pembangunan dan kesejahteraan publik relatif akan meningkat. Oleh karenanya, upaya reformasi birokrasi diyakini akan membawa dampak turunan (trickle down effect) bagi kemajuan daerah. Penelitian ini secara deskriptif-kuantitatif menerapkan regresi linear pada data cross-section tahun 2014 pada 99 pemerintah daerah yang ditetapkan sebagai pilot project reformasi birokrasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa reformasi birokrasi relatif berperan positif dan signifikan terhadap progres ekonomi daerah. Dari ketiga komponen reformasi birokrasi yang dinilai, dua diantaranya (variabel AKIP dan pelayanan publik) memberikan dampak secara statistik positif dan signifikan terhadap pertambahan nilai PAD, dan setiap peningkatan PAD tersebut secara statistik positifsignifikan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah sebesar 1,1%.Kata Kunci: Reformasi Birokrasi, Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Daera

    Strategi Pemetaan Kompetensi pada Seleksi Calon Penghulu di Lingkungan Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Utara

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    Changes in the candidate selection process is a strategy in to improve human resources under the spirit of bureaucratic reform within the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia. The selection of position selection must pay attention to the competency mapping, as stipulated in Decree of Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Number 208 the Year 2017 concerning guidelines for adjustment/inpassing, competency test, and determination of functional needs of penghulu. This This research was a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, namely through a diagnosis from the desk research and review of the results of the competency test and core reports on the selection of prospective leaders in the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Republic Indonesia, East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan regional office. The results of the study showed that competency mapping strategies carried out in the selection of functional need of penghulu produce a profile officer that can be source information of candidate capability. This is conducted for the needs of functional development of penghulu in the future Competency mapping strategies need to be carried out continuously so that all the functional positions of penghulu can be optimally enhanced. Keywords: Selection, Strategy, Competence Mapping, Penghulu Abstrak Perubahan proses seleksi calon penghulu merupakan strategi dalam memperbaiki area perubahan sumber daya manusia sesuai dengan semangat reformasi birokrasi di lingkungan Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia. Seleksi jabatan harus memperhatikan pemetaan kompetensi, sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Keputusan Menteri Agama Republik Indonesia Nomor 208 Tahun 2017 tentang Pedoman Penyesuaian/ Inpassing, Uji Kompetensi dan Penetapan Kebutuhan Jabatan Fungsional Penghulu. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan metode kualitatif, yaitu melalui analisis dari desk riset dan telaah hasil laporan uji kompetensi inti dan kompetensi manajerial pada seleksi calon penghulu di Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia Kantor Wilayah Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Utara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pemetaan kompetensi yang dilakukan dalam seleksi jabatan fungsional penghulu memberikan hasil profil pegawai yang dapat dijadikan salah satu sumber informasi kemampuan peserta seleksi. Hal ini dilakukan untuk kepentingan pengembangan kepegawaian para fungsional penghulu dimasa yang akan datang. Strategi pemetaan kompetensi perlu terus dilakukan sehingga semua jabatan fungsional penghulu ini dapat ditingkatkan kompetensinya secara optimal. Kata Kunci: Seleksi, Strategi, Pemetaan Kompetensi, Penghul

    Peran Inspektorat Daerah Kota Samarinda Dalam Mempertahankan Opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP)

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    Local government will gain prestige if the examination accounting performance of local government gets an unqualified opinion (WTP) from BPK. The opinion shows that the performance of the local government is in accordance with the principle of accountability. However, not all of local governments be able to achieve the predicate of WTP, because indeed to get it is not easy. Therefore, it is necessary for agencies to be the leading sector to assist all OPDs in preparing the accounting performance reports of each agency before the BPK enters, and the agency is the Inspectorate. This research aims to describe the role of Inspectorate in Samarinda City in defending the WTP predicate.Using a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis, in-depth interviews were conducted to officials from the Inspectorate and Regional Financial Management Agency (BPKAD) to validate the data. The conclusions obtained were that the Inspectorate had several roles in maintaining the WTP predicates in Samarinda City, namely: the role of facilitation, guidance, and verification for the OPD, the coordination role for the DPRD, the role of coordination and facilitation for the BPK, and the role of reporting and input to regional heads to take further policy steps. Keywords: Inspectorate’s Role, Supervision, Local Government Performance, Unqualified Opinion Abstrak Mendapatkan hasil pemeriksaan kinerja pemerintah daerah dengan predikat opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP) dari BPK merupakan suatu prestise tersendiri bagi daerah. Predikat inilah yang menunjukkan bahwa laporan kinerja keuangan pemerintah daerah sudah sesuai dengan prinsip akuntabilitas. Namun demikian belum semua daerah mampu mencapai derajat WTP, karena memang untuk mendapatkannya tidak mudah. Oleh karenanya perlu instansi yang menjadi leading sector untuk mendampingi seluruh OPD dalam menyusun laporan kinerja keuangan masing-masing instansi sebelum BPK masuk, dan instansi tersebut adalah Inspektorat. Penelitian ini mencoba memberikan gambaran bagaimana peran Inspektorat Daerah Kota Samarinda dalam mendukung predikat WTP yang dalam beberapa tahun ini telah diraih oleh Kota Samarinda. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan analisis deskriptif, dilakukan in-depth interview kepada para pejabat dan stakeholder dari Inspektorat serta Badan Pengelola Keuangan Daerah (BPKAD) agar dapat dilakukan kroscek terhadap data yang ada. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah Inspektorat memiliki beberapa peran dalam mempertahankan predikat WTP di Kota Samarinda, antara lain peran fasilitasi, pembinaan, serta verfikasi bagi OPD, peran koordinasi bagi DPRD, peran koordinasi dan fasilitasi bagi BPK, dan peran pemberi bahan laporan dan masukan bagi kepala daerah untuk mengambil langkah kebijakan lebih lanjut. Kata Kunci: Peran Inspektorat, Pengawasan, Kinerja Pemerintah Daerah, WT

    Investigating Organizational and Human Resource Capacity of Village Government: A Case Study in Kutai Kartanegara Regency

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    Indonesian Village Law No. 6/2014 mandates village to be a self-governing community and local self-government. Based on the law, village government conducts governmental administrative business, local development, fostering village societal, and empowering local people. To support the tasks, it is allowed to raise funds from various sources. This paper aims to investigate any problem and possible solutions to strengthen village capacity in order to achieve the village law vision. This research was conducted in Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar) Regency, Indonesia. It used a qualitative approach and the data were collected in several ways, i.e. focus group discussion, interview, secondary data, and observation. The study showed that village governments have no authority to design their own organizations, because the designs are prepared by central and local governments in detail. Moreover, lack of competence among village government staffs and financial dependency also make village governments rely on supports from central and local governments. It concludes that high intervene from upper governments make the village governments have limited room to manage their organizations. Secondly, policy disharmony among ministers also makes them in a dilemma about which one should be followed. Thirdly, various limited upon villages consequently makes them highly depend on supports, especially financial supports, from higher levels of government. Therefore, some actions need to be taken, such as reducing intervention, synchronizing policies among ministries, strengthening village organization and staffs, and optimizing the role of local government agency and stakeholders to take part in the village development process

    Exploring Innovation Based on Service User Complaints to Increase Satisfaction

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    Increasing service user satisfaction levels is a goal for public service providers. Service user satisfaction surveys are often conducted to describe the level of service user satisfaction that services provided. However, service providers are less able to utilize the results of the surveys to conducting innovation or breakthroughs to improve service user satisfaction. This study used an explorative approach to analyze the level of satisfaction for service users in four public health centers (Puskesmas) in Bontang City, Indonesia. The method used was two stages survey of 1,449 respondents throughout 2019. The complaint in the first survey was the basis for innovating improvements in public services by using the concept of rapid innovation. The results showed that with the short-term innovations that had been implemented, there had been a significant increase in public satisfaction with the services of the Puskesmas. Keywords: customer satisfaction; innovation; public service; public health centers DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-16-08 Publication date:August 31st 202


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    “Classic” basic thought states that economics development in an area rich for natural resources will progress forward and its society is more prosperous compared with an area lack of natural resources. Kalimantan, an area rich for natural resources should realize that dependence and exploitation for a long term will harm its own territory. Therefore, to increase the regional income in the development process, Kalimantan shall increase income outside the natural resources which have enough potency to be developed that in the future it can place the oil and gas as complementary income resource. The process of this development requires association from all parties, not only local government, but also local people, along with their skill and ability as human resource in the area that will certainly support the acceleration of the development in  digging, managing and optimizing the potential sectors in the area. In the effort of searching potential sector, it is important to know the basic activities in the region as the prime mover role where every change has multiplier effects against regional economics. Through the acquisition of potential sector in the area, the attempt of policy determination in the development of an area will be more focused and efficient. Hereinafter, by having competitive advantage, development acceleration will be executed immediately.   Keywords : Sektor potensial, Pendapatan daera


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    The objective of this study is to determine factors of economic growth in East Kalimantan based on natural resource wealth in this area by using the approach to the leading sector in East Kalimantan and other factors which are labor, government investment and private investment. data was taken from 13 areas in East Kalimantan in the period of 2005-2009, and by applying panel data regression. The results found that natural resources which are gas and non oil, positively affecting economic growth of all areas in East Kalimantan significantly and it also applies to labor factor. Labor factor positively influence economic growth significantly. Meanwhile, the existence of private investment factorhas not been able to significantly effect economic growth in Kutai Kartanegara, East Kutai, Bulungan Nunukan, Samarinda, West Kutai, Pasir, Berau, and Malinau, while the DAU and DAK have given positive and significant impact on economic growth in Balikpapan, Bontang, Tarakan and Penajam Paser Utara

    Aktualisasi Budaya Inovasi Pada Organisasi Sektor Publik

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    Innovation is the key to improve organizational performance. The development presently requires the actualization of innovation culture as a continuous improvement in the organizations' services. This paper presents an overview of the application of innovation culture in public sector organizations namely Investment and Integrated Licensing Offices (DPMPTSP) of Samarinda City, as well as factors that influence the success of actualizing the culture of innovation in this organization. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The application of an innovation culture in DPMPTSP of Samarinda City has been relatively optimal, as evidenced by the various achievements and awards that have been achieved. Afterwards, the factors that influence the success of the actualization of innovation culture in DPMPTSP of Samarinda City are mainly by visionary and innovative leadership, reliable human resources, high team collaboration, and budget support. In addition, it can also be analyzed that the innovation culture in this organization has relatively implemented a holistic model of innovation culture. Keywords : Innovation, Innovation Culture, Organization, Public Service Abstrak Inovasi merupakan kunci untuk meningkatkan performa organisasi. Perkembangan zaman menuntut aktualisasi atas budaya inovasi sebagai perbaikan terus menerus atas pelayanan organisasi yang ada. Tulisan ini menyajikan gambaran mengenai penerapan budaya inovasi dalam organisasi sektor publik yakni DPMPTSP Kota Samarinda, serta faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan aktualisasi budaya inovasi dalam organisasi tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan budaya inovasi di DPMPTSP Kota Samarinda relatif sudah berjalan optimal, terbukti dengan berbagai capaian dan penghargaan yang telah dihasilkan. Adapun faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan aktualisasi budaya inovasi di DPMPTSP Kota Samarinda utamanya adalah kepemimpinan visioner dan inovatif, sumberdaya manusia yang handal, kerjasama tim yang tinggi, dan dukungan anggaran. Selain itu, juga dapat dianalisis bahwa budaya inovasi pada organisasi ini relatif sudah menerapkan model holistik budaya inovasi.  Kata Kunci : Inovasi, Organisasi, Budaya Inovasi, Pelayanan Publi